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With brenda bound in 1280x720x2000kbps hd. she should have left the man alone leads up to this video. after dealing with the inspector all day brenda got home and seen what I was doing. Then she smarts off about I should have cleaned this place up. I let that one go but when she came out to go to dinner she didn't stop. With out saying anything I go over and get the inspector down and put her away for the night. I turn and grabbed brenda then shoved a large ball in her mouth to shut her up. I tie her hand behind her back and bind her tits. I attached her tits to the hook and hoist her up high on her toes pulling her breast out nice and tight. Maybe this will teach her a lesson in mouth control. just one of many video's available at ****brendasbound**** for one low price! brought to you by brendasbound productions